Crispy Rice Cracker with Spicy Pork Floss 100 g

  • List Price: $14.99
  • Sale Price: $14.99
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days


  • Made from the selected jasmine rice
  • Sprinkle with chili and dried crispy pork
  • Preservatives Free

Product Description

Chaosua Rice Cracker with Spicy Pork Floss is made from the selected jasmine rice. By mixing ingredients perfectly and sprinkle with chili and dried crispy pork until it becomes crispy rice cracker with crispy chili paste. This special formula of the Chaosua is suitable for appetizers at any time to meet the taste for everyone This is food which can be eaten in place of, or in between, meals. It is convenient because it is quick and easy to eat. Maybe you ate dinner early or you stayed up late and now you're hungry again. Or you just really want a snack to go with Netflix or in the Party with Beer, Fruit Juice, Tea, or Coffee. This item can be served you.

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